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DOFIN - Doctoral School of Finance and Banking

The Dofin MSc students rank amongst the best in the world. In my opionion the general level of Dofin students is actually better than most of the large and famous American and European business schools. Two of my most talented PhD students came from Dofin and I am hoping to take more in the future.

Carol Alexander
Professor of Risk Management and Director of Research at the ISMA Centre, The University of Reading ,UK

[ Bio available here ]



DOFIN aims at providing its students with high level education, thereby preparing them for high quality work in interesting and important positions. Therefore, only the best and brightest will be admitted to DOFIN.

For several reasons DOFIN takes a special position:

  • It is a European Center of Excellence

  • It has a dedicated director and staff

  • Its curriculum is advanced and meets western standards

  • Western professors give seminars at DOFIN

  • Western professors join their Romanian colleagues on the doctoral examination committee.

Those who are admitted to DOFIN will have to work hard. However, after their graduation they will observe it will pay off. As a result of the high level curriculum and the western standards DOFIN's graduates are in high demand on the labor market. My personal experience is that, generally, DOFIN's students are intelligent, motivated and diligent.

M. Peter van der Hoek
Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands
and Academy of Economic Studies, DOFIN, Bucharest



I have acted as an external examiner on the MSc and PhD programmes at the Doctoral School of Finance and Banking now for a number of years. I am persuaded that the quality of the students graduating from this programme is high, comparing very favourably with Schools internationally. The programme is exceptionally well led. Not only are students well equipped intellectually in terms of economics, econometrics and finance, but they are taught to work independently, are well motivated and imaginative, and clearly destined for successful professional careers.

Students who have visited my own institution as part of their studies at DOFIN are amongst the strongest we teach. There is no doubt that a student obtaining a good degree by DOFIN standards is a good student by any standards.

Dr. Simon Burke
Department of Economics
The University of Reading, UK


DOFIN este o scoala remarcabila, pe deplin comparabila cu programele de master din Vest. Este locul cel mai potrivit din Romania pentru o solida educatie in macroeconomie si finante, atat la nivel teoretic cat si practic.

Dr. Ioanid Roşu
Assistant Professor of Finance
 Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago



Am absolvit programul de studii aprofundate al DOFIN in anul 2000. De atunci, am trecut prin cateva locuri - departamentul de taxe din Arthur Andersen, Bucuresti, programul de doctorat de la ISMA Centre, Reading, si departamentul de equity trading din Goldman Sachs, Londra - care mi-au confirmat ca am facut o alegere excelenta urmand acest program. Exista cateva motive bune pentru care cineva ar putea alege programul de master al DOFIN.

Desi ofera o perspectiva de ansamblu asupra pietelor financiare, subiectele abordate sunt tratate riguros si pe baza unei curricule mentinuta in permanenta la zi. Este organizat de o institutie care a acumulat o experienta remarcabila in programe de master in finante (10 ani!), are o structura stabila si isi impune standarde similare cu cele ale programelor de master cu traditie din UK si US. Din aceasta cauza, este recunoscut si apreciat atat in tara cat si de catre numeroasele universitati partenere din strainatate. Echipa de profesori si specialisti care predau in acest program este de prima clasa, avand atat experienta unor universitati straine cat si a unor piete financiare dezvoltate. In plus, programul de master al DOFIN este extrem de folositor pe termen lung si prin reteaua de alumni pe care a creat-o. In prezent, poti gasi in aproape toate institutie financiare din tara absolventi ai DOFIN, care vor fi incantati sa intre in contact cu un coleg de-al lor.

Din experienta mea personala, cu programul de master de la DOFIN nu m-am simtit niciodata mai prejos decat colegii mei care au absolvit programe similare in UK, US sau Canada. Pentru cineva interesat intr-o cariera in domeniul pietelor de capital, este cea mai buna oferta existenta pe piata romaneasca.

Anca Dimitriu, PhD
Goldman Sachs, Londra
Absolventă DOFIN, Promoţia 2000


Ce a insemnat DOFIN pentru mine.

Am absolvit cursurile DOFIN in 1999, dupa ce am terminat FABBV. In 1999-2000 am obtinut o bursa OSI-Chevening pentru un MSc in Economics la University of Warwick, UK. Din 2000 am inceput un PhD (doctorat) in Economics la European University Institute in Florenta, pe care il voi termina in Septembrie 2004. In cursul acestuia am fost Research Visitor la Bank of England, Visiting Scholar la University of California, Berkeley, si Graduate Research Programme Visitor la European Central Bank, Directorate General Research. Din Octombrie 2004 am obtinut pozitia de Research Fellow la Nuffield College, University of Oxford, unde imi voi continua activitatea de cercetare, predand in acelasi timp Macroeconomie la Departamentul de Economie al aceleiasi universitati in cadrul ciclului de MPhil.

Pentru mine, DOFIN a insemnat de la bun inceput singura fereastra posibila inspre modul in care ‘se face economics’. Prin ‘a face economics’ inteleg imbinarea intre cunoasterea descriptiva a economiei si metodele cantitative, atat in teorie la nivel de formalizare si abstractizare cat si in practica la nivel de aplicare a metodelor statistice si econometrice pentru analizarea datelor. ‘Banuiala’ mea s-a dovedit intemeiata: cursurile de la DOFIN aveau o puternica componenta cantitativa, fara ca aceasta sa fie facuta ‘de amorul artei’. Cartile si articolele folosite erau printre cele folosite la cicluri de Master din universitati de prestigiu Europene si Americane. In conferintele doctorale si modulele de curs tinute de profesori de la universitatile partnere ni se arata care sunt standardele profesionale in scolile de prestigiu. In acelasi timp, ni se sublinia nevoia de a aplica metodele invatate pentru analizarea unor probleme relevante practic, in special pentru economia Romaniei. La acea data, as indrazni sa spun ca DOFIN era singurul centru din Romania in care se gaseau aceste caracteristici.

Cred ca rolul pe care DOFIN il joaca in viata unui absolvent al sau depinde foarte mult de acesta din urma. Ceea ce DOFIN da tutuor, dupa parerea mea, este ca umple niste goluri pe care din pacate sistemul de invatamant economic romanesc le lasa in bagajul unui absolvent al sau. Cineva cu o orientare practica poate invata tehnici si un mod de a gandi care ‘pe piata’ sunt pretuite din ce in ce mai mult (si curand vor deveni caracteristici sine qua non ale unui economist in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, asa cum sunt deja cel putin in tarile pe care le cunosc din propria experienta). Pentru cineva inclinat inspre cercetare, DOFIN este pentru motivele enumerate mai sus ‘the place to be’, indiferent care sunt planurile de viitor (este foarte probabil ca acestea sa se schimbe).

Pentru mine personal DOFIN si in special Moisa Altar au insemnat schimbarea cursului vietii, asa cum stiu ca au fost pentru multi altii.

Florin O. Bilbiie
Research Fellow la Nuffield College, University of Oxford
Absolvent DOFIN, Promoţia 1999


Prin standardele cele mai inalte ale formarii profesionale, probate de alsolventii sai atat in tara cat si in strainatate, DOFIN s-a impus ca program de master de prima optiune in domeniul financiar-bancar din Romania, atat pentru tinerii economisti dornici sa-si adanceasca pregatirea, cat si pentru angajatorii aflati in completarea staff-ului cu instruire superioara.

Mihail Ion
Lector doctor Catedra de Moneda, ASE Bucuresti
President and CEO, Raiffeisen Asset Management
Absolvent DOFIN, Promotia 1998

DOFIN reprezinta un standard foarte inalt de calitate in invatamantul romanesc si international. Acest lucru este asigurat atat de calitatea profesorilor care predau la DOFIN si a absolventilor acestui master, dar si de parteneriatele cu universitati straine dintre cele mai prestigioase. Pe langa o pregatire foarte temeinica in finante si banci, care imi permite sa concurez de la egal la egal cu orice absolvent din universitatile vestice, dupa absolvirea DOFIN am obtinut si o capacitate de a evalua mai bine valoarea si o exigenta mai ridicata, in primul rand cu propria persoana. Absolvirea DOFIN reprezinta fara indoiala o carte de vizita excelenta pentru orice angajator din domeniul economic.

Ionut Dumitru, PhD
Lector doctor Catedra de Moneda, ASE Bucuresti
Treasury Research Manager, Raiffeisen Bank Romania
Absolvent DOFIN, Promoţia 2002


Choosing the right master program to follow can be a rather difficult task. But for me it was an easy choice because I knew some of the graduates from Dofin and I had heard about others. They all had solid knowledge in economics, a different way of developing their carrier, a certain determination to learn new things and to thread on new grounds. But what really determined me to choose Dofin were the teaching staff, and mainly Professor Altar, who is by far the most dedicated and qualified professor I know. By the high standards Professor Altar constantly set he helped us develop our knowledge and aim higher and higher. Looking back, I realize that the knowledge acquired during Dofin stood as a foundation for my following studies and helped me understand better what economy is really about.

Otilia Ciotau
Chief Economist, Piraeus Bank
Absolvent DOFIN, Promoţia 2004


For me Dofin was the starting point for a carrier in financial and banking system, covering most of the gaps of the Romanian superior economic studies and opening new horizons for future professional development

Ciprian Dascălu
Senior Economist, ING Romania
Absolvent DOFIN, Promotia 2003

I joined the programme as I felt that something is missing after I graduate the university. By my surprise I noticed not only that the classes in Dofin are completing my knowledge, but they are changing my perspective as well. Working with the "creme de la creme" of the Finance in Romania (and abroad) is always a privilege. I just hope that I was able to fructify this privilege.


Sergiu Manea
Trader in Interest Rate Derivatives, ABN Amro, London
DOFIN Graduate, Class of 1996


Nu există economişti buni sau economişti slabi, există doar profesionişti şi alţii. Un profesionist este o valoare pentru orice afacere. Pentru a deveni un profesionist, un economist trebuie să deţină o pregătire teoretică serioasă, la care să se raporteze în toată activitatea. Programul de master al Scolii Doctorale de Finanţe-Bănci reprezintă o şansă unică de aprofundare a cunoştinţelor economice, de pregătire pentru ocuparea unei poziţii în sistemul financiar-bancar şi de formarea a unei referinţe teoretice de valoare.

George Lucian Albotă
Structured Products Trader, Bank of America, London
Absolvent DOFIN, Promotia 2000


DOFIN – un nume deja cu rezonanta in cadrul pregatirii universitare. Gandindu-ma la muzica, asa cum gama muzicala incepe cu nota DO, tot asa si pregatirea postuniversitara a cercetatorilor finantisti incepe cu DO (Dofin); dar nu doar incepe; continuand paralela cu muzica, ca si in gama muzicala, pregatirea in cadrul DOFIN asigura ascensiunea (stiintifica, profesionala), pentru a se ajunge la finele gamei (DO de sus), dar nu intr-o nota stridenta, ci pur si simplu FIN – DOFIN.

Ionela Costică
 Conferenţiar doctor Catedra de Monedă şi Prodecan FABBV , ASE Bucuresti
Absolvent DOFIN, Promotia 1996

I graduated the DOFIN MSc programme in 1998 and started my PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2000. I have been a research fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles since 2002, while also completing my PhD thesis in Rotterdam.

DOFIN represented an important step in my professional career. Its excellent director and dedicated staff helped me find the direction that I would like to follow in my career.

Furthermore, the well chosen curriculum provided me with the theoretical and practical basis for working in the field of research. So far I have worked on a number of projects for the Belgian federal and regional government, IMF, and other public institutions in Slovenia and Russia. The experience acquired at DOFIN proved to be very useful in completing my tasks.

Cristina Mohora
Université Libre de Bruxelles
DOFIN Graduate, Class of 1998


Now, when I am close to completion of a PhD degree in Economics at the University of Reading, I can identify DOFIN as a cornerstone in my research career. What makes DOFIN so special to me? Its comprehensive and well designed curriculum, its very dedicated and proficient staff, which helped me to build up a solid basis for pursuing a higher degree, by introducing me to the challenges of doing research in macroeconomics.

The MSc course I attended at DOFIN (1997-1998) had the perfect combination of economic and financial theory and quantitative techniques that prepares you for a career in banking, finance or academia. I am very confident in saying that I couldn’t have made a better choice.

I have witnessed the changes DOFIN had undergone during the past seven years and strongly believe that its MSc programme in Finance and Banking can compete now with similar ones from Europe and America. The well-established reputation DOFIN has as a European Centre of Excellence confirms this. Now, that it has reached its decennial year of inception, there cannot be a better time to acknowledge the benefits DOFIN has imparted to its graduates, many of whom are now working for prestigious institutions.

I think we all need an impetus to broaden our knowledge and develop our career. For me, DOFIN and particularly its director and founder, Professor Moisa Altar, played this special role.

Alina Spiru
The University of Reading
DOFIN Graduate, Class of 1998

First of all, the DOFIN program is the right place to stop and accumulate the required curricula needed for a professional financial carrier. This is the early stage for a strong personal international development and the pick-up point wherefrom big local names like Citibank, ING, HVB, ABN, Raiffeisen, National Bank of Romania and others take their "brains".

Second of all, DOFIN is the people you meet. The policy of many big institutions like ECB, Bank of England, NBR, corporations like Goldman Sachs, or reasearch programmes under the auspices of Oxford University or Boston now reside on the professional opinion of graduates of DOFIN. This is not a mere brag it is the actual result from the exposure you get during the program.  And be sure that those that have set a firm foot in the global financial environment have thus opened the door for any DOFIN graduate with the will and dedication to pursue their goals.

I am myself such a graduate with an experience in Arthur Andersen on the Tax and Legal Business Development Department, followed then by HVB Bank's Corporate Department, wherefrom, having now also the touch of actual corporative approach to local and foreign business solutions I moved to a Trader position in the Dealing department of Piraeus Bank.

Valentin Ciobotaru
Money Market Broker, ICAP EUROPE Ltd., London
DOFIN Graduate, Class of 2000


I enrolled in the MSc. programme at DOFIN in order to achieve a broad understanding of the financial markets and to develop my financial modelling skills. Thus, having a strong reputation in the banking industry and a modern curricula, DOFIN opened for me new opportunities in building a successful career. In my opinion, the high quality of courses, the skilled lecturers and the partnership with prestigious universities from abroad recommend DOFIN as one of the most valuable MSc. programmes available in Europe.

Adrian Codirlasu
FX and Structured Products Trader, ING Romania
DOFIN Graduate, Class of 2000


Pe langa faptul ca este un excelent centru pentru o educatie solida in macroeconomie si finante, DOFIN deschide porti nebanuite.

Pentru mine a fost locul in care, sub indrumarea doamnei Profesoare Samuel si a domnului Profesor Altar, am realizat ceea ce imi doresc sa fac: cercetare. Mai mult, pornind de pe bancile acestei scoli, a fost suficient sa imi pot urma visul. Acum fac cercetare si predau intr-un mediu academic de mare clasa.

Anamaria Nicolae
Lecturer in Economics, University of Durham, UK
Absolventa DOFIN, Promotia 2000

Scoala Doctorala de Finante si Banci a reprezentat un mare pas inainte pentru cariera mea. Bucurandu-se de un corp profesoral de elita si de o programa foarte bine structurata, DOFIN-ul a ajuns un nume de referinta pentru cei mai importanti angajatori, echivalent cu un inalt standard de pregatire teoretica si practica.

Programul DOFIN este adaptat cerintelor prezente de pe piata financiar-bancara, dar aduce si ceva in plus: pregateste specialisti pentru ceea ce va insemna economia romaneasca in viitorul apropiat. Un alt avantaj ce merita mentionat il constituie relatiile stranse ce exista si se mentin intre absolventii DOFIN din toate generatiile, ceea ce faciliteaza gasirea unor locuri de munca potrivite cu aptitudinile si interesele fiecaruia. Tuturor studentilor actuali si viitori de la DOFIN le spun 'Mult Succes' si 'Bine Ati Venit'.

Sebastian Matei
Vicepresident, Bank Vontobel AG Zurich
Absolvent DOFIN, Promotia 2001


They used to tell us that the Doctoral School is the best finance and banking school that I could attend in Romania: a great challenge for anyone with great ideals and very ambitious.

… And so it was. It was only the beginning, but what a beginning: discipline and devotion it’s all that you are asked for. And if you were not used to that, in one way or another you will. I would say that this is the first real step into the real knowledge of financial world. And it’s not only the way you used to see this world. It’s the way you feel it after you’ve started to understand it. You fill yourself with so many ideas, and you accumulate such a precious material, that it will take a long time for digesting all you accumulated and put it into practice.

I graduated the Doctoral School of Finance and Banking just a few years ago. And the ideas raised from the knowledge I got there keep coming into my mind every day.

I had the opportunity to continue to live in this fascinating world of making more money. I have met people already having money but not knowing to make money. It’s quite normal. There are two different things. In order to make money you have to learn that from somewhere, right? Life can teach you well, but why do you have to experience the random ways in which life put needles in our dolls? You can simply learn what it’s all about this random life we live in. You go to the fundamentals, you start reading books, and you start asking questions. Is there any better place to get answers to your questions than a great school? Great questions are for the great schools , isn’t it? And I can tell you that you will get the answers there: real, scientific arguments provided by very talented, devoted and fine theoreticians as well as analysts and practicians. Many teachers I had the honor to attend in classes are actually great personalities coming from old and traditional universities.

In the time you spend along with friendly colleagues and teachers in the exclusive community of science you will become so familiar with the economic phenomena, that you will have an argument in any discussion you might have afterwards: interviews, high-level discussion - you will know what’s about. It is wonderful to find yourself knowing some things that others did not have the opportunity to learn. You always have the chance to step forward, to bring a useful argument. I’m not saying that everything you bring forward comes directly from the doctoral school. Of course not! But I still wonder some times what would I have known without the skills I learned there.

And after all the effort you have been left there, because it is easy to understand that you will only succeed in exchange for a true effort, you will always arrive to the same conclusion: there is yet not such doctoral school in Romania. Other colleagues of mine, continued to find similar answers somewhere else: they are now teachers at renowned universities; others have become managers in very large companies. All of them started from the same exclusive circle that I was talking about. With most of them I’m meeting today to discuss about other schools we attend: CFA, ACCA but we all have to recognize that it’s mostly the credit of doctoral school that opened us the mind and the appetite for more. It’s a matter of time to succeed by starting with such a background you build there. Of course it’s only the beginning. But at the same time, you will feel confident that it’s only a matter of time to succeed.

And it’s my feeling that even mentioning the name of the Doctoral School in my academic credentials ringed the bell to many people who have contacted me for business or career opportunities.

If you think you are ready for challenge in financial tuning, if you are ready to embark yourself for two years with a real school of finance and banking, you are in the very right place at the right time.

Ovidiu Pocan
Credit Analyst, Alpha Bank Romania, Corporate Division
DOFIN Graduate, Class of 2001



Looking back at the time when I finished University,I remember I was feeling rather confused and undecided which way to go. Personally, I considered I lacked a lot of the skills necessary for beginning a career in the Economics field. However, once I entered Dofin and started work on my Dissertation Paper, I experienced one of those enlighting experiences that change one's individual life. Now I'm beginning a Doctorate Program in Economics largely due to the research appetite and desire for knowledge that Dofin fostered within me.

Razvan Pascalau, PhD Student
University of Alabama – USA
DOFIN Graduate, Class of 2003



Am avut sansa ca in ultimii ani de facultate sa urmez cursurile unor profesori precum prof. Moisa Altar, cursuri care mi-au schimbat radical viziunea asupra a ceea ce inseamna economie si mi-au trezit interesul pentru a citi si aprofunda.

M-am inscris la Dofin in 2003. Acest lucru a insemnat cursuri de o calitate deosbita, tinute de profesori exceptionali si cu o programa variata si la zi, in concordanta cu programele de master cu traditie. Dar cred ca cel mai important lucru pe care l-am primit in cadrul Dofin a fost contactul, prin intermadiul conferintelor si modulelor de curs tinute de profesori de la universitatile partenere Dofin, cu lumea academica din universitatile din Europa si SUA, in care invatamantul economic are o traditie indelungata.

Pentru mine, acesta a fost pasul de plecare pentru cariera pe care sper sa mi-o construiesc in viitor. Pentru a putea fi admis la un program doctoral la o universitate cu renume e nevoie de un background stiintific puternic, aceasta insemnand, de fapt, cursuri bune si profesori recunoscuti pe plan international. Iar numnarul mare de studenti ai Dofin acceptati in ultimii ani la programe doctorale in intreaga lume arata ca Dofin si-a capatat deja un nume de scoala serioasa a carei diploma de absolvent reprezinta garantia unei persoane bine pregatite.

Anca-Ioana Sirbu, Doctorand
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Absolventa DOFIN, Promotia 2004


DOFIN played a decisive role in my professional career by openning my eyes to the latest developments in economics and macroeconomic and financial markets modelling, providing me with the needed support to pursue my interests in the field. Thus, with its dedicated staff and its contact with important foreign universities, DOFIN is a veritable door towards up-to-date, world-class academic research. At the same time, DOFIN achieved well-deserved fame with the most important employers by making sure that its graduates, once they enter economic practice, are not one, but two steps ahead of the development of the Romanian financial and banking market.

Bogdan Radulescu
National Bank of Romania
DOFIN Graduate, Class of 2004

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